Hasselblad, Distagon 50mm, FP4 in Tanol, about 30 years old Argenta Bromoil Paper,
Easy Lith FT Special 35+40+1250ml 8 minutes,
followed by a short rinse and Catechol new 20ml + 25ml Lith B + 10ml NH4Cl 20% + water 950ml 3 minutes.
A Holga negative that is not easy to print. The sky is very dense with little structure, the dark areas show definition, but if the exposure is such that the sky shows slight grey values, the shadows run without definition.
The aim of the experiment with the lith two-bath technique is to prevent a strong darkening of the shadows when exposing to the highlights. A long exposure time is needed for the highlights and a developer that is braked more than usual (with Lith D) to slow down the development of the shadows.
Paper Select VC matt (PW15)
SE5 Lith A+B+D+water 20+20+30+800ml 7 minutes.
In this case, a short rinse with water is not sufficient because then all densities, especially the shadows, would darken considerably within seconds. So an acidic stop bath must be used, followed by two rinses to neutralise the acid. Then the second bath, the catechol developer (20ml Catechol new + 20 ml Lith B as alkali + 10ml NH4Cl + 700ml water) follows for 5 minutes. Here the highlights in particular are developed in colour, the shadows also become somewhat darker, but still show the separation created in the lith.
Delta 400 @640 in Finol, Select Shedlight (Forte),
SE5 Lith A,B,D,water 50+60+40+1600ml 5:30 mins, warm water bath 1 min, Catechol new 25ml + Lith B 25ml + NH4Cl 20% 10ml + water 1800ml 3:45 mins.
Select VC matt (PW15), SE5 Lith A+B+D+water 20+20+30+800ml 7 minutes. 2nd dev. 20ml Catechol new + 20 ml Lith B as alkali + 10ml NH4Cl + 700ml water 5 mins. Right toned with MT4 Siena 1+50 one minute.
Hasselblad 501CM with Planar 80mm,
Kodak Plus-x in eco film developer,
Fomabrom Variant 112 (batch 011248/12),
Lith 1+18 8 minutes and Catechol 10+10+5+1000ml 3 minutes.
Holga 120N RPX 100in efd, Fomatone 131
SE5Lith A+B+D+water 20+20+20+800ml 4:30 minutes, 15 seconds rinse,
Catechol 20ml + Lith B 20ml + NH4Cl 20% 8ml 3 minutes.
,Rolleiflex T, Delta 400 in Finol,
Shedlight (Forte), Easy Lith FT Special 1+20 8 mins, followed by Catechol new 20+20+10+800 4 mins.
Hasselblad 501CM, Planar 100mm, Tmax 400 in Finol,
Select VC (PW14),
Lith and Catechol
Hasselblad 501CM, Planar 100mm, Tmax 400 in Finol,
Select VC (PW14),
Lith and Catechol, MT10 Gold toner 2 minutes
Hasselblad Planar 80, Tmax 100 in efd,
Select Sepia VC (PW15)
Easy Lith FT Special 1+20 9 minutes, followed by Catechol new 20+20+10+800ml 5 minutes.
Agfa Record Rapid H 111,
two tray development: Lith and Catechol
Holga 120N, SFX 200 (filter 715) , eco film developer,
Argenta paper, Lith & Catechol
Holga 120N RPX 100 in efd,
Fotospeed Lith Paper
SE5 Lith A+B+D+water 40+40+30+800ml 7 minutes,
15 seconds rinse,
Catechol new 30ml + Lith B 30ml + NH4Cl 20% 15ml + water 900ml 4:30 minutes.
Holga 120N RPX 100 in efd,
Select Ivory (PW17)
SE5 Lith A+B+D+water 40+40+45+800ml 6 minutes,
15 seconds rinse,
Catechol new 30ml + Lith B 30ml + NH4Cl 20% 15ml + water 900ml 4:30 minutes.
Holga 120 N, Delta 400 in Tanol,
Select VC (PW14),
SE5 Lith A, B, D, water 25+25+30+1000ml 6 minutes,
short rinse followed by Catechol new 4 minutes.
MT10 Gold toner 4 minutes.
Hasselblad, Kodak PXP @400ASA in eco film developer,
Select VC (PW15) Lith and Catechol new,
short Gold toning, MT10 2 minutes.
Hasselblad 501CM, Planar 80mm, Kodak PXP @400ASA in eco film developer,
Lith & Catechol on Select Ivory,
MT1 Selenium toner 1+8 2 minutes and MT10 Gold toner 2 minutes
Hasselblad with Planar 100mm, Plus-x @ISO400 in eco film developer,
Oriental New Seagull G3,
SE5 Lith (A, B, D, water) 30+30+10+900ml 9 minutes, Catechol new 20ml + Lith B 20ml + NH4Cl 7ml + water 700ml 1:40 minutes.
MT10 Gold toner 2:30 minutes.
When gold toning is planned, the print must be slightly lighter than the untoned print on the left hand side, because the density increases enormously during toning.
Hasselblad 503CM with Planar 80mm, Plus-x @400ASA in efd,.
So sollte ein Lithprint aussehen, wenn eine Goldtonung vorgesehen ist.
Fomatone 132 batch 077348-01
Easy Lith FT Special 1+10 5:30 mins,
followed by Catechol new 30ml + Lith B 30ml + NH4Cl 10ml 5 mins.
Im nassen Zustand sollte der Print etwas zu hell erscheinen, Nach der Trocknung wird der Print erheblich dunkler und farbiger. Mit der Goldtonung legen die Dichten nochmals zu.
When wet, the print should appear a little too light. After drying, the print becomes considerably darker and more colourful. With gold toning, the densities increase again.
MT10 Gold toner 3 minutes.
Young lady, taken in 1968 on Tri-x, developed in Fabofin.
Enlarged on a paper from the same decade, Agfa Brovira N1.
Developer SE5 Lith A+B+D+water 25+25+20+950ml 8 minutes, followed by Catechol 20ml + Lith B 20ml + NH4Cl 10ml +water 800ml 3 minutes.
Hasselblad Planar 80mm, yellow filter, Kodak PXP @ 200ASA in efd,
Select Shedlight G3 (Fortezo)
two tray for full range
SE5 Lith A, B, D, water 20+20+20+900ml 7 minutes,
short rinse (10 secs) followed by Catechol new 20ml + Lith B 20ml + NH4Cl 10ml + water 900ml 4 minutes.
Holga 120N, Tri-X, eco film developer,
Agfa Brovira BN1
SE5 Lith A,B,D,water 25+25+15+950ml 8 minutes, followed by Catechol new 20ml + Lith B 20ml + NH4Cl 5ml + water 800ml 3:30 minutes.